Love Ruby & Penny
OH Wives of Mine... how I WISH I could be in that Sun Puddle WITH you. It is Snowing like CRAZY here.LOVE YOU MY DEARS.....♥♥♥ LOVE YOUFrank
Have a serene Sunday and get some big easy in today and soak up those rays.Best wishes Molly
You two have found a PRIME spot...for a sleep in!XXXOOO Bella & Roxy
Now that is the perfect way to spend a lazy Sunday!Love ya lots♥Mitch and Molly
Bet that sun feels really good up there in the cod.Phantom searched for a sunpuddle today, but none to be found.Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning
You girls look so cute cuddling together in the sun. I hope you have lots of sun puddles this week!
We follow those sun puddles all around the houseLily & Edward
sun puddles are best when sharedStop on by for a visitKari
Dere is nuttin' better den a good sun puddle! Thanks fur comin' to Max's barkday pawty! Woofs and Licks,Maggie Mae and Max
Thank you for this tips. I will bookmark this page for future reference. Thank you again.
It was an Oscar winning film with Daniel Day Lewis about 30 years ago.Inside the movie he played a severely disabled boy.…Only able to move his left foot.Daniel had some severe behavioral problems.He was a real handful and really frustrated.Until that is…One day-quite by accident- his family realized he was…A GENIUS!…And able to create amazing world class art work.After that realization- everything changed.The intelligence and gifts he had were unlocked.His frustration and behavior problems stopped and there was an incredible Hollywood ending (a fairytale ending)Here’s the point…Inside your dog-there is incredible intelligence too.I’ve seen it in hundreds of Dogs I’ve worked with.And once you unlock that intelligence.Most behavioral problems simply melt away.And the bond with you and your dog grows stronger.Sound good?>>> Go here now to unlock your dog’s natural intelligence today.The well behaved dog of your dreams is waiting to emerge.Any troublesome bad behavior you’re dealing with is waiting to disappear.Don’t put up needlessly with bad behavior a second longer.PS Check out the brain training for Dogs course now. It’s great for eliminating any bad behaviors by tapping into your dog’s hidden intelligence.PPS- check out the cute dog on the top of this page.
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OH Wives of Mine... how I WISH I could be in that Sun Puddle WITH you. It is Snowing like CRAZY here.
Have a serene Sunday and get some big easy in today and soak up those rays.
Best wishes Molly
You two have found a PRIME spot...for a sleep in!
XXXOOO Bella & Roxy
Now that is the perfect way to spend a lazy Sunday!
Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly
Bet that sun feels really good up there in the cod.
Phantom searched for a sunpuddle today, but none to be found.
Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning
You girls look so cute cuddling together in the sun. I hope you have lots of sun puddles this week!
We follow those sun puddles all around the house
Lily & Edward
sun puddles are best when shared
Stop on by for a visit
Dere is nuttin' better den a good sun puddle! Thanks fur comin' to Max's barkday pawty!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae and Max
Thank you for this tips. I will bookmark this page for future reference. Thank you again.
It was an Oscar winning film with Daniel Day Lewis about 30 years ago.
Inside the movie he played a severely disabled boy.
…Only able to move his left foot.
Daniel had some severe behavioral problems.
He was a real handful and really frustrated.
Until that is…
One day-quite by accident- his family realized he was…
…And able to create amazing world class art work.
After that realization- everything changed.
The intelligence and gifts he had were unlocked.
His frustration and behavior problems stopped and there was an incredible Hollywood ending (a fairytale ending)
Here’s the point…
Inside your dog-there is incredible intelligence too.
I’ve seen it in hundreds of Dogs I’ve worked with.
And once you unlock that intelligence.
Most behavioral problems simply melt away.
And the bond with you and your dog grows stronger.
Sound good?
>>> Go here now to unlock your dog’s natural intelligence today.
The well behaved dog of your dreams is waiting to emerge.
Any troublesome bad behavior you’re dealing with is waiting to disappear.
Don’t put up needlessly with bad behavior a second longer.
PS Check out the brain training for Dogs course now. It’s great for eliminating any bad behaviors by tapping into your dog’s hidden intelligence.
PPS- check out the cute dog on the top of this page.
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