Roachin' n Rollin' Olympic Event
Why not come out and join me for a whole bunch of friendly Roachin' n Rollin' fun, k.
To Enter:
- send us your very best Roachin' n Rollin' pics to olympic randr at gmail dot com or click on the Send Olympic Pics in our page linkbar.
- include your Blogville address with the pics.
- pics will be accepted from July 9th until midnight July 18th, 2012.
- have fun, fun, fun, k
Ruby & Penny
Ruby I know fur a FACT that you are a Super Roacher and Roller!! This is gonna be SOOOOOO much fun. I roached in the BEACH SAND fur you girrrls. I'm just sayin.
This is gonna be a VERY much FUN Event!!! Ruby... I know you are kinda pawticular about your furs and all... butt come on sweetie... let's see some of your moves!
Love you BOTH!!
got it, me and Addy will be sending ours in.
Great roach, Penny! Molly will be entering for sure!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
Looking forward to it. Have a lovely Saturday.
Best wishes Molly
I think Miro is entered in the Chew competition!
You are the best I've seen! With a name like Ruby, how could you NOT be the winner?!
sounds like a plan..
Benny & Lily
You are soooo good!
Kisses and hugs
Sent my picture in today!! Thanks for hosting!
Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,
I just sent you my roachin' photo, Ruby and Penny!
Love ya lots,
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