January 14, 2009

Chopped Liver!

Today mom made me fresh liver treats.

Rinse off fresh beef liver.

Boil until almost cooked.


Pat off the water after boiling and let cool.

Cut into bite size pieces and place on an oiled baking sheet.

Wait some more!!!

Bake at 350ºF for 10 minutes. I like my treats soft. If you want a harder treat, like jerky, turn the liver pieces over and bake for another 5 minutes.

Let cool. Mom puts the treats in bags and freezes.

YUM!!! Worth the wait.

Love Ruby


Anonymous January 14, 2009 at 7:10 PM  

Oh wow Ruby!! Those treats look so yummy! What a great recipe. I will have to get my Mom or Dad to make some!! XOXO Peanut

Arran, Arthur and Mum January 14, 2009 at 7:12 PM  

Yumyum! I love liver! BOL!! You look so funny in the last pic.
~lickies, Ludo

Raising Addie January 14, 2009 at 8:25 PM  


You are sooo lucky to have home made treats!

It looks like you absolutely love them!


Mango the Maltese kiddo January 14, 2009 at 8:35 PM  

Ruby, Ruby, guess what? It was my mom drooling when she saw the liver baked treats, not me, hehe!

Minnie-Moo (Rescue Lab) January 14, 2009 at 8:44 PM  

I think they look really tasty but Muzzle feels sick from looking at the liver photos! She won't make us liver treats but she does make us tuna cake which she uses for treats/training - it's REALLY yummy and it doesn't make Muzzle feel ill, which is good!


Misadventures of Widowhood January 14, 2009 at 9:04 PM  

Your moomie is very sweet to make those for you. Wow, my moomie doesn't even know where the oven is.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! January 14, 2009 at 9:21 PM  


Why does all the yummy stuff look so digusting at the start?


Amber and Nala January 14, 2009 at 9:42 PM  

You are soooo lucky Ruby! They look delicious! I LOVE the last picture....hope you didn't drool too much while you were waiting. ;) I would have made a puddle on the floor.


Bae Bae January 14, 2009 at 10:49 PM  

Woh that must be yummy. Your mom worked hard on the treats. ;)

~ Bae

Thor and Jack January 14, 2009 at 11:10 PM  

I bet your treats was yummylicious!
I can see that you just love that liver treats!
So nice your mom made those for you =)
Can you save some for me?


Lorenza January 14, 2009 at 11:23 PM  

Hi, Ruby!
Liver is something my mom does not like to see or smell but I will tell my grandma about those treats and maybe she can make some for me!
I am sure you enjoyed them!
Kisses and hugs

Mary January 14, 2009 at 11:45 PM  

The Canine Mafia wants to come live with you!! You get awesome treats!!

Bella Baby January 15, 2009 at 2:23 AM  

Oh yay that is exciting to know that you tried to make fresh treats as well...we got a dehydrator for christmas and we have been wanting to try to make zoie fresh amazing treats:)...liver will be good too...
thanks for the idea

Constança Lucas January 15, 2009 at 6:34 AM  


your mum is special


Charlotte January 15, 2009 at 7:53 AM  

Oh, Ruby! Thank you so much for the delicious recipe! Our Mom has promised to make us some liver treats this weekend!


Your friends

Oskar, Schatzi & Xena

Yogui January 15, 2009 at 9:16 AM  

Wooow... my mouth is empty of saliva, I love liver. It's delicious MMMMMMMMmmmmm!
You're a very lucky lady Ruby.

Anonymous January 15, 2009 at 11:21 AM  

Ruby, I sent my Mom to the store to go buy some liver! Those look SUPER yummy!! And you sure do look like you are enjoying it in that last picture! Too Cute!


Eduardo January 15, 2009 at 3:55 PM  

OMD! My Mommy says she is going to go get some liver!(she likes liver as well.)Thanks for sharing!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Alli and Frankie January 15, 2009 at 4:29 PM  

WOW! Those treats look good! Thanks for the recipe! I'm telling my mom. . .

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ January 15, 2009 at 6:29 PM  

Those look VERY tasty...
It looks like you are really enjoying them. :-)

Holly & Zac

Duke January 15, 2009 at 6:32 PM  

OMG, we are drooling! Those liver treats look so yummy, Ruby! Enjoy them ALL!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball January 15, 2009 at 7:29 PM  

Those liver treats look yummy! I love liver treats!



River January 15, 2009 at 8:10 PM  

You look cute taking your treat! My mom loves liver so we might get some!

love & wags,

Kelli January 15, 2009 at 10:12 PM  

Hi Ruby,
Those treats look delicious! I have given you an award! Stop by my blog to say hello!

Life With Dogs January 16, 2009 at 9:50 PM  

Those look good enough for humans!

Amber and Nala January 16, 2009 at 10:31 PM  

Hi Ruby, just wanted to let you know that that book does require a box of tissues....it will make your Mom's eyes leak alot if she is anything like my Mom. Hope you are having a great weekend.


the many Bs January 17, 2009 at 2:51 PM  

hi Ruby, your mom is a good cook to make treats for you. those look yummy and easy - except for the waiting part!


Misadventures of Widowhood January 17, 2009 at 5:40 PM  

Me's has an award for you. When you have time to come get it, it's in my Jan. 17th entry.


Dughallmor Beagles January 17, 2009 at 9:53 PM  

Hi Ruby! Huh....we only gets that when Mum takes us to shows *sulks* You lucky girl! We like your last photo, with the eyeballs, cute!
Slobbers xx

Dino and Family January 22, 2009 at 9:05 AM  

Those must have smelt heavenly baking in the oven! Enjoy! You are one lucky gal! Love, Dino

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